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NumericStepper Properties

The NumericStepper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCultureInfo
Specifies the culture to show the numeric value in (default is CurrentCulture).
Public propertyCode exampleDecimalPlaces
Gets or sets the number of digits to display after the decimal.
Public propertyFormatString
Gets or sets the format string for the display of the numeric value.
Public propertyIncrement
Gets or sets the value to increment when the user clicks on the stepper buttons.
Public propertyMaximumDecimalPlaces
Gets or sets the maximum number of decimal places that can be shown.
Public propertyMaxValue
Gets or sets the maximum value that can be entered.
Public propertyMinValue
Gets or sets the minimum value that can be entered.
Public propertyReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this NumericStepper is read only.
Public propertyTextColor
Gets or sets the color of the text.
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets the value.
Public propertyValueBinding
Gets the binding for the Value property.
See Also